For any size and type of newsroom, we can help. We can work remotely or in-person to examine your needs, your workflows and your products to create a plan for growth. Whether you're launching a specific product or looking for a complete overhaul, a consultation can get you on the right track.
We don't just work with newsrooms; we work to build company and brand connections with media organizations across the U.S. With an initial consultation to review your business and goals, we can build an actioanable plan to have the media connection and branding you need.
We also offer ad-hoc media crisis management plans for any business.
Have TV experts but don't know what to do with digital? Understand Tik Tok but don't know how to connect a news audience? Whatever your starting point, we can lead your team into building excellence across platforms. Our customaizable approach will put you on the fast track to growth where you need it.
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